7 Best Bedroom Plants for Oxygen, Air Purification, and Low Light

Craving a better night’s sleep and a healthier bedroom vibe? Guess what? Plants are magic! 🌿

How to turn your sleeping space into a cozy and refreshing paradise, let’s cover things like:

✅Breathe Easy: Meet the best air-purifying plants for a fresher, cleaner bedroom.💨

✅Low-Light Legends: Get to know resilient plants that thrive, even in that dim corner of your bedroom. ☀️

✅Pet & Kid-Friendly: Find gorgeous plant options that are totally safe around your furry friends and little ones. 🐶🐱🧒

1. Aloe Vera

You know Aloe Vera, right? It’s that miracle plant everyone’s crazy about for its healing powers.

Bright room with a large aloe vera plant in orange pot near a cozy bed and window, Close-up of a vibrant green aloe vera plant in a light grey pot on a windowsill

But guess what? It’s also awesome for your bedtime air. It actually pump out oxygen at night, which is why it rocks as a plant to keep in your bedroom.

If you’re new to plant parenting, don’t sweat it. 😅 Aloe’s super simple to take care of.

Close-up of a spiky green aloe vera plant with sunlight filtering through leaves, Stacked slices of aloe vera gel displaying translucent green pulp

Just find a nice spot near your window with some soft sunlight and be careful not to drown it with too much water.

Minimal fuss, maximum chill—I’d say that’s perfect for creating a peaceful vibe in your bedroom. ✌️

2. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Let’s not forget about the steadfast Snake Plant, or Sansevieria if you want to get fancy.

Tall snake plant in a rustic pot on a wooden stool beside a cozy bed and window, Group of snake plants with green and yellow striped leaves in terracotta pots

This plant is pretty unbeatable when it comes to filtering out harmful stuff from your air while also kicking out extra oxygen while you sleep—which means better snooze time all around.

Tall snake plant with striped leaves in a white pot on wooden legs beside a bed

The great thing about Snake Plant is it’s like the ultimate low-maintenance buddy. 👌

It basically thrives in whatever light you’ve got going, and you barely need to water it. Just once in a while does the trick.

Close-up of a snake plant with green and yellow striped leaves in a small white pot, Snake plant in a larger white pot placed on a table near sheer curtains

And let’s be honest, its sleek, sword-like leaves aren’t just good for air—they add a nice touch of style to any bedroom setup. 💤

3. Lavender

Hey, have you thought about keeping lavender in your bedroom? (besides being perfect for essential oil diffusers) It’s actually awesome plant for relaxation before bed.

Lavender plant with purple flowers being cared for in a black pot, Potted lavender in a purple container with vibrant purple flower spikes

It helps reduce stress and can really promote a good night’s sleep. 😌

Lavender bouquet in a decorative vase on a windowsill with soft sunlight, Potted lavender plant next to a cozy bed with a decorative pillow and open book

You can place a lavender plant on your bedside table or by a window to get plenty of sunlight.

serene bedroom featuring a potted lavender plant on a wooden nightstand next to a large window. Soft, natural light floods in, illuminating the delicate purple flowers and green leaves

Trust me, the comfortable aroma can help you truly unwind after a hectic day. It’s an awesome, cozy addition to your room.🪴😊

4. Peace Lily

Peace Lilies are like little miracle workers for bedroom air 🌬️– they suck up harmful toxins and can even add a bit of humidity to the room, which is great for fighting the dryness!

Peace lilies in a terracotta pot on a bedside table by a sunny window, Two elegant peace lily blooms with lush green leaves in a modern white pot

they also have stunning white flowers 🌼, which can brighten up any space.

Pretty handy, especially since they’re low-light champs and only need a splash of water once a week.

Close-up of a single white peace lily flower against a black background, Cluster of white peace lily blooms with lush green leaves in a garden setting

If you’re looking for an easy care plant for a low-light bedroom, Peace Lilies are seriously the way to go.

5. English Ivy

Ever thought about hanging or trailing plants to make your sleep space better? English Ivy could be your new best friend.

Hanging ivy plant with trailing vines near a window beside a wooden nightstand, Close-up of ivy vines cascading over a wooden bedside table next to a cozy bed

Besides looking lovely, it’s got these awesome air-purifying powers that zap away airborne mold.

Hanging it in a basket near a window does wonders, trust me. 🌞

Ivy plant with glossy green leaves in a decorative beige pot against a white background, Lush ivy plant in a terracotta pot with green garden backdrop

The plant loves bright, indirect sunlight but won’t hold a grudge if stuck in low light. Plus, those draping vines—it’s like adding a little bit of magic to your room!

6. Spider Plant

Looking to up the air quality in your bedroom? Spider Plants have got you covered.

Spider plant with long green and white striped leaves in a black pot on a bedside table

These green beauties are superstars at clearing out toxins like formaldehyde, making your space fresher and healthier. 🌿✨

They thrive on indirect light, perfect for hanging planters or even a high shelf.

Hanging spider plant with long green and white striped leaves illuminated by sunlight, a vibrant spider plant in a pot placed on a windowsill with soft light

Just remember to water them regularly, and soon you’ll see baby “spiderettes” growing, which you can replant to keep the greenery going. It’s fun seeing how they propagate!

7. Gardenia

Oh, Gardenias are such a delight. They’ve got these gorgeous, fragrant white flowers that not only enhance the look of any room but also help purify the air.

Bouquet of white magnolia flowers in a small white pitcher on a bedside table, Close-up of a white gardenia bloom surrounded by green leaves in a soft light

If you’re thinking about jazzing up your bedroom, you really can’t go wrong with one of these beauties. Plus, their soothing fragrance is super calming!

Just be sure to place them where they get plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. That sweet aroma their flowers give off? It’s perfect for helping you wind down and catch some Zs. 😴

Bouquet of white gardenias with green leaves arranged closely together, Close-up of a single white gardenia bloom with delicate petals and dark green leaves

Remember though: Gardenias are a bit like delicate souls—they are gorgeous, but need regular watering and a good misting to keep them in top shape.

Benefits of Bedroom Plants

Alright, let’s talk about having plants in your bedroom and why it’s more than just about looking pretty.

Air Quality

First off, indoor plants are like nature’s little air fresheners. They suck up carbon dioxide and pump out oxygen, thanks to photosynthesis.

But some plants can actually zap out nasty stuff from the air—think things like:

  • formaldehyde
  • benzene
  • trichloroethylene

which oddly enough can hang around from stuff like your furniture, rugs, and those cleaning sprays you love.

Air Purifying Plants for Bedroom:

Snake Plant: This plant means business when it comes to kicking out formaldehyde, xylene, and nitrogen oxides.

Spider Plant: It’s a champ at getting rid of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

Snake plant in a textured pot with text highlighting its air purifying benefits, Spider plant in a woven hanging basket with details about air purification qualities

Peace Lily: Expert at breaking down formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

Aloe Vera: Yeah, you use it for sunburn, but it also tackles benzene and formaldehyde like a pro.

Peace lily flowers and leaves with air purifying benefits highlighted in text and Aloe vera plant in pots displaying air purification qualities with accompanying text

Bringing these green buddies into your bedroom can seriously help clear the air.

This can cut down respiratory problems or allergy triggers.

Oxygen Production

You know how most plants get to business with photosynthesis when the sun’s out, turning that carbon dioxide into nifty oxygen?

Well, guess what? Some awesome plants, specifically those following the Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) pathway, can “work the nightshift”.

Yep, even after sundown, they’re at it, which is why they’re perfect to keep in your bedroom—they’ll keep pumping out oxygen as you snooze.

Close-up view of a textured aloe vera plant showcasing its thick green leaves, White orchid flowers in a round vase placed on a sunny windowsill

Night-Shift Oxygen Producers:

Orchids: These fancy plants not only make your space look amazing but also clean the air and send out oxygen when it’s dark. 🌙

Snake Plant (Sansevieria): This green buddy releases oxygen at night, so it’s basically the MVP of bedside greenery.

Aloe Vera: This CAM plant is also off the hook, kicking out oxygen non-stop through the night.

These late-night oxygenarming plants can make your nights fresher and might even give your sleep a significant upgrade, improving your overall health into the deal.

Mental Health

You know, those humble indoor plants can actually do wonders for your mental health.

Bunches of studies back this up:

Having a bit of greenery around can seriously help cut down on stress, lift your spirits, and even get you in the zone for working.

Plants just seem to create this peaceful vibe, a little pocket of nature right inside your home, which is super good for your mind.

Benefits for Mental Health:

Stress-Busting: 🌿 Tending to plants can feel like a soothing ritual. It’s almost meditative.

Mood Boosting: 😊 They can chase away the blues and ease those anxious feelings.

Brain Power: 🧠 Keeping plants nearby can actually help you focus better and sharpen your memory.

Woman meditating in a bright room filled with indoor plants on a yoga mat, Female practicing yoga in a garden-like setting surrounded by lush greenery

Take the bedroom, for instance – add some plants, and you’ve basically got a recipe for a chill-out zone.

This kind of peaceful setup is key for decompressing after a crazy day.

Plus, when your sleep quality improves thanks to this calming setup, it can significantly boost your overall mental well-being.

Your bedroom is a place for you to stop, rest and recharge your batteries.

Sizes and Shapes of Bedroom Plants

Picking out plants for your bedroom isn’t just about snagging anything green; you really gotta think about size and shape.

These factors can seriously change how your space looks and feels. So let’s dive into different plant sizes and shapes, and see how you can use them to spruce up your bedroom. 🛏️

Small Plants

Small plants are pretty much gold when you want some greenery without making the room feel crowded.

They’re super flexible and can chill on nightstands, shelves, desks, or windowsills—with no problem.

Ideal Small Plants for Bedrooms:

Succulents (like Echeveria and Haworthia): Compact, low-maintenance, and they’re happy in indirect light.

Baby Rubber Plant (Peperomia obtusifolia): Shiny green leaves perfect for tight corners.

Small green plant in a white pot by a window, Succulent in a gray pot beside a warm lamp, Three small green plants in blue and white pots
Baby Rubber Plant and Succulents

English Ivy: Great for hanging pots or shelves. Their vines drop down prettily.

Air Plants (Tillandsia): No soil needed—the ultimate low-effort plant. Stick them in glass terrariums or hang ‘em up.

Small plants for bedroom, English Ivy and Air Plants near window space
English Ivy and Air Plants (Tillandsia)


Space Efficiency: Small plants can fit almost anywhere, from a tiny corner on your nightstand to your cluttered shelves.

Easy Maintenance: Generally speaking, small plants need less water and attention. (I’m small but I’m strong)💧💪

Decorative Flexibility: They slide in perfectly where bigger plants couldn’t even dream of fitting—think bedside tables and petite bookshelves.

Large Floor Plants

Well, large floor plants might just be your new best friend.

These beauties don’t just sit pretty; they command attention while bringing some height, texture, and a touch of mother nature right inside. 🌸🪴

Whether you’ve got an awkward corner you don’t know what to do with or you’re just craving a vibrant focal point, these plants might be the answer you’ve been looking for. 🌿🌼

Awesome Big Plants for Bedrooms:

Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata): This guy is famous for its huge, violin-shaped leaves. It’s dramatic and impossible to miss.

Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica): Sporting broad, glossy leaves, the rubber plant isn’t just elegant – it’s also a breeze to care for.

Collage of big indoor plants, fiddle leaf fig and rubber plant in decorative pots with a cozy bedroom setting in background
Rubber Plant and Fiddle Leaf Fig

Monstera Deliciosa: With its cool, split leaves, this one screams tropical paradise. (I really love this one)

Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai): Need something that adds height? This plant’s big, banana-like leaves give a dose of the exotic.

Collage of big plants including monstera and bird of paradise in bright indoor spaces
Bird of Paradise and Monstera Deliciosa

Why You’ll Love Them:

Visual Appeal: Big plants aren’t just part of the background. They grab attention and seriously up your room’s style game.

Cleaner Air Bonus: They help purify the air! The bigger the leaf, the more air-purifying power they’ve got.

Stylize Your Space: They fill in those empty spots perfectly, bringing balance and a lush, green touch to your decor.

Tall Plants

Tall plants are a great pick for making the most of vertical space and bringing some structure to a room.

Plus, they naturally draw your gaze upwards, making your bedroom look bigger and a bit more open.

Best Tall Plants for Bedrooms:

Dracaena Marginata: This one’s got a sleek trunk and pointy leaves, the perfect combo to add a bit of height.

Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana): It has tall, flowing fronds that give off a relaxed, tropical vibe.

Collage of tall plants including palm varieties displayed in bright indoor settings
Dracaena Marginata and Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

Yucca Plant: Not only tough as nails, but this plant also has a cool, sculptural appearance, so it adds height without hogging space.

Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans): With its tall and slim stature, it fits right into corners or beside your furniture without a fuss.

Collage of tall plants including dracaena and yucca in modern indoor spaces
Corn Plant and Yucca Plant

Health and Safety (Pets and Ki-Friendly)

🐱 Cat Safe Plants: If you’ve got cats at home, picking the right plants is super important.

Go for non-toxic ones like:
Spider Plants, Areca Palms, and Boston Ferns.

Cat Safe Plants

These not only make your bedroom look nicer but also keep your kitty safe from nasty stuff they shouldn’t munch on.

👶 Kid-Friendly Plants: Keeping the kiddos safe is priority number one when it comes to bedroom plants.

Look for non-toxic varieties like the Parlor Palm, Friendship Plant (Pilea involucrata), and Baby Rubber Plant.

Tall leafy Baby Rubber in a pot by the window in a cozy room, Large Parlor Palm plant next to a bed with light curtains, Round-leaved plant Friendship Plant (Pilea involucrata)
Baby Rubber Plant, Parlor Palm and Pilea involucrata

They’re safe for little hands and help set up a positive, curious environment.

Functionality: Help Sleep, Feng Shui + Air Purifying 🌙🛏️

😴 Plants that Help Sleep: If you’re after a good night’s sleep, some plants can actually help with that by releasing oxygen and soothing scents.

Lavender, Jasmine, and Aloe Vera are awesome picks.

Lavender and Jasmine smell relaxing, and Aloe Vera pumps out extra oxygen while you snooze.

Jasmine Blooming white flowers in a pot beside a bed and sunlight, Purple pot filled with lavender flowers on a table and Aloe Vera plant pot
Jasmine, Lavender and Aloe Vera

Feng Shui: Wanna bring some good vibes into your bedroom?

According to Feng Shui, certain plants can really amp up the positive energy and harmony.

Try adding Peace Lilies, Bamboo Palms or Snake Plants.

Close-up of white peace lilies with green leaves behind, Tall palm bamboo plant in a brown pot indoors, Three snake plants in various pots near a sunny window

They’ll do wonders to balance the space without feeling overcrowded.

Air Purifying: To breathe easier and keep your bedroom air fresh, consider plants known for their air-purifying talents.

Snake Plants, Peace Lilies, Spider Plants, and English Ivy are champs at filtering out indoor toxins.

They’re a natural way to make your sleeping environment healthier.


I am a home and decor enthusiast who delights in details that create cosy, inspiring ambience. I want to enhance spaces and inspire calm and joy in homes, and believe in how the environment affects our lifestyle. I seek to spread calm and inspiration through my work.

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